Tony Rogers



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My Niece and Nephews Jumping Off of Grandpa's Woodshop
January 30, 2005
Here goes Annalise...
Annalise...on a side dismount...
Anna again...
Here goes Annalise...
Ian, doing the same. (bogus fault)
Uncle Tony could only hit them in focus at a certain time...
Ian, launching off the top. Colin is on the ladder, pulling "landing duty" for his brother and sister and shoveling snow for them...
Colin (right), prepping the Landing Zone for his brother and sister. The only reason that I don't have a photo of Colin jumping is because he kept going up and down too quick, darn it!
Unfortunately, I never got a shot of Colin. He had grand visions of actually launching off the roof on his board; that idea was shot down by his father. I may actually try to lure him into something like that, just to get a photo of it, heh heh...Sounds like I just need to supervise and I'll get a photo of him.

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