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"Jim Shockey For Obama" Radio Ad a Hoax!
October 1, 2008

Obama Campaign Ad Confusing People into thinking it was Jim Shockey
The filth and misinformation continues from the Obama campaign...

To all who have heard a recent United States political ad on the radio (Tony's note: I just heard this ad on Duluth's 710 WDSM Radio on the way home from work earlier tonight and I was just fuming mad at Jim Shockey in error!), the person speaking is NOT Jim Shockey.

This radio ad is approved by the Obama campaign, and the speaker is Ray Schoenke, the president of the American Hunters and Shooters Association (AHSA). He pronounces his name such that it sounds like "Shockey." Jim, obviously, has no affiliation with this group.

Listen to the deceptive ad here: Not Jim Shockey! (2.3 MB MP3) Doesn't it sound like he says he is Jim Shockey? The deception is obvious. It scared the crap out of me!

Jim ShockeyAs you can imagine, Jim has taken some unfair criticism as a result of this mistaken identity.

The fact that people don't take the time to investigate the facts before they lash out has caused substantial confusion. Many of Jim's TV sponsors, licensees and business partners have received e-mails and phone calls from angry consumers saying that they will never again buy their products. As you can see, this kind of error on the part of folks who rush to judgment can turn into more than just a rumor. It can begin to impact on a person's livelihood and reputation.

More importantly though… Ray Schoenke does not represent hunters or firearms owners interests in the 2nd Amendment. Ray Schoenke is lining his wallet with donations to sway voters by spreading a campaign of misinformation about gun owners and hunting via the AHSA.

The AHSA is not a recognized hunting and shooting organization. Much like the HSUS is not the Humane Society shelter down the road housing and caring for dogs and cats. HSUS is another misinformational organization with wacko zealots whose ultimate goal is to ban hunting altogether. They often prey on casual citizens for donations because most people confuse the Humane Society of the U.S. for the Humane Society.

The AHSA is a band of anti-gun zealots who pose as a hunting and firearms organization in order to spread lies and propaganda posing as hunters and firearms owners. It is an organization of the ultimate scum.

The board members of the AHSA have long ties to many anti-gun organizations and politicians in existence:

  • Ray Schoenke - Major benefactor of Handgun Control, Inc (now named the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence). and America Coming Together.
  • Bob Ricker - Former Policy Director of Democratic National Committee and advisor to the Presidential campaign of John Edwards. Yes, he did work for the NRA in the 1980’s but has since denounced the organization.
  • Jon Rosenthal - Founder of Stop Handgun Violence.

From Jim Shockey's Website:

Please be advised ... to all who have heard a recent United States political ad on the radio, the person speaking is NOT Jim Shockey. We have received many e-mails from fans who have mis-heard the person's name.

This radio ad is approved by the Obama campaign, and the speaker is Ray Schoenke, the president of the American Hunters and Shooters Association (AHSA). He pronounces his name such that it sounds like Shockey.

We would GREATLY appreciate it if all of you who read this would help to clear Jim's good name. As you can imagine, Jim has taken some unfair criticism as a result of this mistaken identity.

Here is a statement from Jim: " I am 100 percent for gun ownership by law-abiding citizens. As a Canadian I cannot vote in U.S. elections, of course, but I would never ever support any candidate who is anti-gun."

Thank you for your support and helping to spread the word.

Transcript of the ad:

"Barack Obama: I'm Barack Obama, candidate for president, and I approved this message.

Ray Schoenke: This is Ray Schoenke. I played football with the Washington Redskins. Now I'm president of the American Hunters and Shooters Association. It's important to me that our next President protects our Second Amendment rights to own guns and defend ourselves.

Barack Obama and John McCain will both make sure we can keep our guns.

But what about keeping our jobs?

Barack's got a real plan that invests in creating jobs here at home and cuts taxes a thousand bucks for working families.

John McCain?

I saw a lot of cheap shots in my day...

But McCain's false attacks on Obama are just a fake to hide the ball. His plan sells out American workers.

McCain will keep giving tax breaks to companies that ship our jobs overseas.

And he'll look the other way while China breaks our trade deals.

It's the same old Bush playbook.

Look, when the coach loses eight years in a row, you don't bring him back for a ninth season!

We just can't afford more of the same."




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