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Al Gore |
Mammogram...sonogram...honey graham...
At an event in Las Vegas on Monday, 09/18/2000,
Gore declared potential breast cancer victims faced
"a long waiting line before they could get a
biopsy or, uh, or a uh, another kind of, what am I
looking for, a sonogram or...." People in the
crowd shouted "mammogram."
(Source: Fox News 09/18/00; MSNBC 09/21/00 - The
News with Brian Williams) |
Equal...if not more so?
"When my sister and I were growing up," Mr. Gore
told a small audience made up mostly of women,
"there was never any doubt in our minds that men and
women were equal, if not more so."
(Source: NY Times, 08/12/00)
Equal - if not more so? More so what? More "equal"?
Who is more so? If two things are equal, what is the
"more so" for? |
One thousand billion
million trillion...
Oct. 25 2000 JACKSON, Tenn. (Reuters) -
Criticizing Bush's Social Security privatization
plan at a rally in Tennessee, Gore said, "He is
proposing to privatize a big part of Social Security
and he's proposing to take $1 trillion, a million
billion dollars out of the Social Security trust
fund and give it as a tax incentive to young
A trillion is one thousand billion, not a million
billion. |
Execute a pregnant
woman? Uhh... I don't know
On July 16, 2000 during a "Meet the Press"
interview, Gore was asked if he would be in favor of
postponing the execution of a pregnant woman.
RUSSERT: Right now there's legislation which says
that a woman on death row, if she's pregnant, she
should not be executed. Do you support that?
GORE: I don't what you're talking about.
RUSSERT: It's a federal statute on the books that if
a woman is pregnant and she's on death row, she
should not be executed.
GORE: Well, I don't know what the circumstances
would be in that situation. I would--you know, it's
an interesting fact situation. I'd want to think
about it. |
$29 dollars a week can
buy a lot of Diet Cokes
In his 2000 convention acceptance speech, Gore
said the Bush tax cut would save the average family
62 cents a week ("enough for a diet coke"). He later
clarified it and said 62 cents a day per family...
which is still wrong. Even at 62 cents a day, that's
only a little over $226 a year. Under the Bush tax
plan, the average family would save $1500 -- $4.20 a
day, which is almost $29 dollars a week. |
Collecting cans for
prescription drug benefits!
During the October 3, 2000 Presidential debate,
Gore mentioned 79-year-old Winifred Skinner, who has
become the campaign's mascot for his Medicare
prescription-drug program. "In order to pay for
her prescription drug benefits, she has to go out
seven days a week, several hours a day, picking up
cans ," Gore said. "She came all the way from
Iowa in a Winnebago with her poodle in order to
attend here tonight."
However, Skinner doesn't need to collect cans for
her medication. Her son, Earl King, who formerly
owned his own business and now lives on an 80-acre
ranch and describes his lifestyle as "comfortable,"
has offered repeatedly to help her make ends meet.
She continually declines his offers. In addition,
the Winnebago Gore referred to, as well as the gas,
was paid for by the Gore campaign. Five campaign
workers accompanied Skinner, a longtime Democrat and
former union organizer.
(Source: New York Post, October 5, 2000 "Gore's
nose is growing again"; Washington Post, October 5,
2000, page A20) |
I was part of those
discussions! Really!
At a Sept. 22 press conference, Gore stated
"I've been a part of the discussions on the
strategic reserve since the days when it was first
established." However, President Ford
established the Strategic Petroleum Reserves when he
signed the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (EPCA)
on December 22, 1975 - two years before Al Gore
became a congressman
(Source: Washington Post, Sept. 24 2000) |
Dairy Farm Expert in a
Milwaukee, WI - "I'm very familiar with the
importance of dairy farming in Wisconsin. I've spent
the night on a dairy farm here in Wisconsin. If I'm
entrusted with the presidency, you'll have someone
who is very familiar with what the Wisconsin dairy
industry is all about."
(Sources: Sunday, June 18, Atlanta Journal
Constitution and
The Washington Post, June 14, 2000)
Hey! I am an expert in hospital administration in
NJ, and the hotel industry in several states -
having spent more than one night there! |
A spotted Zebra.
"A zebra does not change its spots." - Al
Gore, attacking President George Bush in 1992.
(Sources: The Toronto Sun, 11/19/95) |
E plu...what?
"We can build a collective civic space large
enough for all our separate identities, that we can
be e pluribus unum -- out of one, many." E
Pluribus Unum is the motto on the Great Seal of the
United States of America, and is Latin for "out of
many, one," not "out of one, many."
(Source: January 1994. From a Milwaukee speech to
the Institute of World Affairs as quoted in
Investor's Business Daily, October 25, 1996.) |
Mary and Joseph were
"Speaking from my own religious tradition in
this Christmas season, 2,000 years ago a homeless
woman gave birth to a homeless child in a manger
because the inn was full."
(Sources: Press Conference at HUD, 12/22/97;
George Will column, Sunday May 17 1998)
Daily Town Hall Meetings
"I certainly learned a great deal from 3,000
town hall meetings across my home state of Tennessee
over a 16-year period" in Congress, the vice
president told NPR's Bob Edwards.
Do the math. That's 187 town hall meetings per year,
or a meeting in Tennessee every other day for 16
years, including weekends, holidays, vacations, and
time spent running for president in 1988 and for
vice president in 1992. |
Gore Loves Courtney
Finding himself talking to the controversial rock
star Courtney Love at a Hollywood party, Mr. Gore
attempted to charm her by telling her he was a fan.
Rather than just accepting the easy compliment, Love
cross-examined him.
"He goes 'I'm a really big fan'," said Love. "And
I was like 'Yeah, right. Name a song, Al'." The
answer came limply back: "I can't name a song, I'm
just a really big fan."
Mr. Gore and his wife, Tipper, were the driving
forces behind the campaign to make record companies
put stickers on records that contained lyrics with
sexually explicit content.
(Sources: The [London] Times, 10/1/98; Courtney
Love recounted this event on the May 20, 1999 Late
Show with David Letterman) |
He can't use a computer?
Pete Talek, a U.S. Steel employee speaking with
Al Gore: "I am a few credits shy of earning a
master's degree and could use federal funds to help
defray tuition costs because he also is putting a
daughter through community college. "I worked with a
14-inch pipe wrench for years and a coal shovel."
Adding that he since has added a computer keyboard
to the list of tools he can now use. "Gore smiled
and admitted that he, too, has trouble turning on a
computer - let alone using one." Wait, is he a
techno nerd or not?
(Source: "Gore Touts Job-Training Programs at
Pittsburgh Factory" Associated Press September 4,
1998) |
The earth is upside
In the spring 1998 - Gore called The Washington
Post's executive editor to tip him off on an
''error'' in the paper. ''I decided I just had to
call because you've printed a picture of the Earth
upside down on the front page of the paper,'' Gore
(Source: Florida Times Union 4/3/98 )
There is no ''up'' in space; only on maps that
orient the Earth's surface north and south. |