Dec. 9 (UPI) -- Federal health officials said Tuesday the
flu vaccine shortage in the United States has become so
severe they are
looking to obtain additional doses from Europe.
Last week, the CDC announced the two major vaccine
manufacturers -- Aventis Pasteur of Swiftwater, Pa., and
Chiron Corp., of Emeryville, Calif. -- had distributed all
of the 83-million doses of vaccine they made for
this year's flu season.
This conspiracy theory
starts with the well known phrase "Big brother is watching
you and me..." and what better way to do this than by a
free distribution flu shot to the mass population.
Incredulous? Not really. Medicine and technology have been
advancing in leaps and bounds and has outgrown our own
morals. Surgery is now being performed with nearly
invisible incisions, micro accurate lasers, and mini
cameras that are being used as the surgeon's eyes to
perform intricate procedures.
Since the Government likes to keep tabs on all us citizens
with its census counters, it would be very easy if we all
had an identity chip implanted into our bodies.
Would any of us be willing to let the government know your every single move, invade your privacy and be able to watch your every step with a GPS tracking system, and for how long? Not likely. The list goes on and on though the things they could do with such power.
After several scenarios were discussed, the
consensus was a nationwide flu shot every October. This
way, millions of citizens would gladly line up and get the
shot not knowing that they were actually getting their
very own unique tracking chip that would last for about a
year in their body. You would have your very own UPC code
implant. You have to ask those of you who did get the flu
shot; Did the shot really help prevent you from getting
sick? Many people I have talked to have said that even
with the flu shot, they got sick with the same frequency
as they did in the past without the flu shot. So, is the
shot effectively preventing the flu, or is it really just
another Government ploy designed to tag and track the
This brings us to the ultimate guarded borders. Like metal
detectors in the airport or anti theft tags in department
stores, any American citizen coming into our country would
be secretly scanned and noted while illegal aliens who do
not have the implant would be easily singled out and
rejected at the border and sent back.
(Washington -- The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) demonstrated new
procedures that will require most visitors traveling on
visas to the United States to have two fingerprints
scanned by an inkless device and a digital photograph
taken by immigration officials upon entry at U.S. air and
seaports starting
January 5, 2004.)
Part two of the conspiracy is a mind control agent also
injected into your body through the guise of a flu shot.
Again, the Government would like us to be all good little
citizens and with the implant and the help of the media,
could control our moods, desires, wants, and needs. That
program on TV that you watched an hour ago, did it have a
message for you?
Of course, there is a trilogy saga to the flu shot
conspiracy. Not Government endorsed, but more deadly.
This is purely a public awareness announcement. The truly
paranoid may ponder this scenario: one would think that
the easiest way to infect the population is through a fake
flu shot. Who is to say that the fluid being injected into
your body is not tainted with a deadly disease designed to
lay dormant in your body for a 90 day period so symptoms
would not appear until millions have been infected?
Call me slightly paranoid
but I will not be getting the Government flu shot this
