4,000,000 BC Proto-simians develop large brains
(suitable for bar tab calculations), stereoscopic vision
(a prerequisite for double-vision), and opposable thumbs
(to hold a drinking vessel). Our ancestors now have the
capacity, if not the keg, to party down.
150,000 BC Australopithecus Man realizes that
sucking on rotted fruit adds joy to the two most popular
Xtreme sports of the day: 1) Spearing wooly mammoths, and
2) Running from wounded and angry woolly mammoths. The
possibility of food poisoning and the horrid flavor merely
adds to the excitement, prompting grunting contests of:
"Taste grates!" and "Less killing!"

12,000 BC Sumerians learn how to brew beer. While
it was once universally accepted that nomadic tribes first
settled down to cultivate grains for bread, some
historians now believe they built villages to make brew.
4,000 BC A formula for beer, the world's oldest
known recipe, is inscribed onto a clay tablet. Part of an
epic poem devoted to Ninkasi, the Sumerian goddess of
beer, it harkens back to a time when Iraqis drank beer and
were cool.
3000 BC The Gilgamesh Epic, perhaps the oldest
written story on earth, is put to stone. In this Sumerian
tale Enkidu, a shaggy, unkempt, and thoroughly uncouth man
decides to jump Gilgamesh, a local demigod. Taking no
chances, Gilgamesh dispatches a whore to Enkidu to learn
of his strengths and weaknesses. Instead, the harlot gives
him six beers and "in this condition he washed himself and
became a human being." Proving all you need is a sixer and
a prostitute to civilize the most savage of men.
2400 BC Beer is rationed to the slaves building the
Egyptian pyramids. Conversations around the beer cooler
range from, "That head whip man Cherops is a real
asshole," to "I heard we're building this fucker because
some fancy pants wants to make a big splash in the
afterlife. Believe that shit?"
2600 BC The Sumerian empire collapses and the
Babylonians take over the beer brewing process, developing
over 20 different types of beer.
2800 BC A brilliant isolated tribe living off the
coast of Scotland begin brewing a hallucinogenic ale out
of, among other things, hemlock, nightshade and cow dung.
Undoubtedly prompting the first unironic usage of the
phrase: "Hey, this beer tastes like shit."
1810 BC In Mesopotamia, King Simrilim's alchemists
discover the secrets of distillation. Afraid to drink what
they think might be a powerful poison, they use it as a
base for perfumes, totally missing the boat.
1800 BC The fad of chewing rice, chestnuts and
millet then spitting the mush into a tub to ferment sweeps
China. Confucius later quips: "Man with big mouth should
make delicious beer, not bodacious boasts."
1790 BC The Laws of Hammurabi codifies the making,
selling, and purchasing of wine in Babylon. Instead of
merely getting stiffed, bartenders who screw up are
punished with loss of limbs and drowning.
1500 BC Greeks develop the first drinking games,
including: Make the Phallic-Shaped Wine Vessel Disappear,
Hide and Go Sleep It Off, Don't Bogart the Wine Skin, and
Dionysus Made Me Sleep With Your Five Wives.
1100 BC A forerunner of Modern Drunkard Magazine
appears. In the Finnish poetic saga Kalewala, 200 verses
are used to describe the creation of the earth, while 400
are devoted to beer.
1050 BC The Romans learn the secret of wine making
from the Phoenicians. They expand on the basic recipe,
developing varieties that include seawater, vinegar, resin
and turpentine, a tradition carried on today by the
Thunderbird and Night Train wineries.
BC Vikings start the fad of using the skulls of their
enemies as drinking vessels, prompting the cautionary
phrase, "You better watch it, fat head, or I'll tell the
Vikings where you live."
900 BC The ritual of binge drinking (in layman's
terms "partying hard") becomes popular among Teutons in
northern Europe because poor preservation techniques and
seasonal availability of ingredients dictate periods of
feast and famine.
800 BC The first wine snob rears his ugly nose.
Roman scribe Tacitus writes: "To drink, the Teutons have a
horrible brew fermented from barley or wheat, a brew which
is very far removed our excellent wines."
323 AD Alexander the Great drinks himself to death
during his "Thirty-Third Birth Day/I Just Kicked the
Entire Known World's Ass" blow out.
AD Performing his first miracle, Jesus turns water
into wine at a wedding, rescuing the occasion from
becoming a dull affair. Christ's entourage soon doubles.
100 AD Early Christians introduce wine into their
religious ceremonies. The Catholic Church would later
ritualize the ceremony as Mass, and "the religion that
kicks down free wine" spreads like wildfire to every
corner of the globe.
300 AD Aztecs ferment cactus into pulque, doubling
the attendance of Hurl The Human Head Through The Hoop
matches. They also develop the "rabbit scale" to describe
degrees of intoxication, ranging from very mild
intoxication (a couple rabbits) to heavy drunkenness (400
rabbits). The phrase, "I'm gonna get as pulqued up as 400
rabbits fucking" becomes commonplace.
476 AD German barbarians on a heavily-armed road
trip to check out Roman wines sack Rome, inadvertently
bringing on the Dark Ages. Later the barbarians would
apologize, explaining they "only wanted to party."
500 AD Monasteries take over the brewing of beer,
prodded by the fact that beer was not considered food, so
was permitted during periods of fasting. In many
monasteries, each monk was allowed to drink 5 liters of
beer per day. Monk scrolls from the period are littered
with affirmations of: "Dude, God is so cool."
600 AD An early form of whiskey is invented in
Ireland by monks who had traveled to the Near East to
learn the secrets of perfume distillation. Reckoning it's
a far better thing to feel great than smell good, they
apply the formula to fermented barley and coin the phrase,
"Let's get stinkin' drunk."
625 AD Mohammed declares alcohol is evil. Europeans
wonder, "Well, what shall the Muslims do for fun?"
711 AD Muslims invade Europe.
732 AD Ferocious winehead Charles Martel defeats
the Moors at the Battle of Tours, rescuing Europe from the
horrors of sobriety.
1000 AD The first beer-witches are burned at the
stake. When batches went bad, the brewers, fearful of
thirsty and vengeful villagers, blamed black magic and
rounded up the nearest old lady with more than five cats.
Much as the bartenders of today blame lousy pours of
Guinness on the evil magic of "goddamn distributors who
won't clean the fucking lines."
1150 AD The Slavs invent vodka. The Russians
cleverly call it "little water," as in: "I ain't drinking,
I'm just having a little water."
1171 AD English soldiers under King Henry II invade
Ireland and discover the locals are making whiskey. They
still haven't left.
1241 AD Ogendai Khan, Genghis' successor, drinks
himself to death on the eve of battle. Bummed out by their
Party Meister's death, the Mongol Hordes are defeated
outside Vienna and start a long hungover march back to
1250 AD Franciscan philosopher and theologian
Raimundus Lullus declares alcohol is ultima consolatio
corporus humani (the greatest comfort for the human body.)
Boozeheads of the day respond with anche, li ottiene
bevuti (also, it gets you loaded.)
1494 AD Proper scotch whiskey makes its first
appearance when Friar John Corr gets his hands on enough
malt to produce more than 1000 bottles of strong hooch. It
was marketed in Scotland as good medicine, providing
relief from a wide variety of ailments, including being
cold, sober, thirsty or under attack by the English.
1500 AD Not thinking much of the local cactus brew,
Spanish conquistadors in Mexico begin distilling the
Aztec's pulque and come up with a mezcal wine. They are
now only a short step away from tequila and long arrest
1516 AD Germans institute the Reinheitsgebot, a law
dictating that beer can be made from only four
ingredients: barley, hops, yeast, and water. The Budweiser
family prepares to flee the country.
1530 AD Theophrastus Philippus Aureolus Bombastus
von Hohenheim coins the word alcohol, which he cribbed
from the Arabic word al-kuhl, meaning "delicate powder."
It quickly replaces the earlier, wussyish expression
spiritus vini.
1620 AD The Puritans land the Mayflower at Plymouth
Rock because they're running low on supplies, "especially
our beere." This was despite the fact they loaded on more
brew than water before they sailed for the New World.
1621 AD The Puritans and local natives sit down for
the first Thanksgiving Dinner. While there isn't any
cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes or
pumpkin pie to be had, there is plenty of brandy, gin, and
wine on hand. The natives suggest they should not only do
this once a year, but maybe every week.
1600 AD The manufacture of rum becomes colonial New
England's largest and most prosperous industry.
Ironically, the pirates who preyed upon the rum ships are
now the namesakes of many present-day brands of the
1650 AD Dutchman Dr. Franciscus Sylvius invents gin
by infusing grain alcohol with juniper berries. The doctor
insists it is strictly for "medicinal purposes" and
prescribes it for cold feet, insomnia, and headaches
caused by drinking too much medicine the night before.
1689 AD Dutchman William of Orange takes the throne
of England, fancies up his name to King William III, then
turns on the entire nation to gin. In a single generation
gin will almost magically transform Englishmen from
barbaric ale-swilling savages into savage gin-swilling
1690 AD Blind Benedictine Monk Dom Perignon screws
up a batch of wine and accidentally invents champagne.
Upon tasting the disaster, he tries to put a nice face on
it by declaring, "Come quickly, brothers, I'm drinking
stars! This is exactly what I was trying to do! Man, don't
you get it? Soulless celebrities will pay major francs for
this crap!" The following morning Dom declares, "I feel
head fire!"
1740 AD Grog becomes a staple of the British Navy.
The tradition of watering down rum continues today. In
certain bars.
1750 AD The mint julep is invented in either
Kentucky or Maryland. This refreshing pick-me-up quickly
becomes the morning coffee of the upper class, who don't
have to be sober for work.
1763 AD The first possible invention of the
martini. Depending on which outrageous lie you wish to
believe, it was invented by either a Parisian nobleman (a
lying Frenchman), a New Orleans distiller (a descendant of
lying Frenchmen), a Colonial-Era barmaid (every known one
to tell the truth?), a bartender in California (see
previous), a Midwestern housewife (ha!) and about a dozen
1775 AD General George Washington issues orders
that Colonial soldiers are to receive a daily ration of
four ounces of either rum or whiskey. The American troops
win their first major battle two weeks later.
AD Thomas Jefferson pens the first draft of the
Declaration of Independence in a Philadelphia tavern. The
final draft, written while sober, would omit the
provisions demanding "Faster service from the goddamn lazy
barmaids" and "I think it self-evident that if some guys
leave one party and go somewhere else and throw their own
party, the guys from the first party don't have the right
to come over and drink all the other guys' beer."
1787 AD Following the drafting of the U.S.
Constitution, the 55 signers throw a shindig, consuming 54
bottles of Madeira, 60 bottles of claret, 8 bottles of
whiskey, 22 bottles of port, 8 bottles of hard cider, 12
beers and seven bowls of alcohol punch large enough that
"ducks could swim in them." This is also the first
recorded instance of Ben Franklin doing his "hold this
kite string for a second" prank.
1789 AD Undoubtedly inspired by the Almighty,
Elijah Craig, a Baptist minister, invents bourbon in
Georgetown, Kentucky.
1792 AD Dr. Pierre Ordinaire invents absinthe in
Switzerland. Rather familiarly, the doctor declares it a
healthful medicine, and any drunken madness that might
result is purely coincidental.
1801 AD Thomas Jefferson runs up a wine bill of
$10,835 ($103,000 in modern dollars) while president. He
informs the nation, "I'll get you back next week."
1806 AD The term cocktail is used in print the
first time in the American magazine The Balance. It
supplants the term bittered sling, and the previously
disdained Sixty Horrifying Minutes of Bittered Slings is
replaced by the much more popular Cocktail Hour.
1810 AD The future King Ludwig I's wedding party is
so kick-ass it becomes an annual event known as
AD A ragtag collection of drunkards, led by a
super-drunkard (future President Andrew Jackson), defeats
a numerically superior and disgracefully sober force of
British soldiers in the Battle of New Orleans. The city is
now safe for 24-hour boozing and breast-flashing sorority
1815 AD On the eve of the Battle of Waterloo,
Napoleon Bonaparte declares, "I drink champagne when I
win, to celebrate ... and I drink champagne when I lose to
console myself. So no matter what goes down tomorrow, I'm
getting loaded."
1825 AD The gin and tonic is invented in India by
British soldiers. The quinine-laced tonic water was
proscribed as a malaria preventive, and the ingenious
troops found adding gin made the nasty stuff slide right
down. A chunk of lime was later added to fight scurvy
during sea voyages. Churchill would later declare, "The
gin and tonic has saved more Englishmen's lives, and
minds, than all the doctors in the Empire."
1850 AD The corkscrew is invented. Drunks no longer
have to push the cork down into the bottle with a pen. For
the first time, beer is sold in bottles.
1862 AD A perpetually loaded General Ulysses S.
Grant saves the Union from destruction. President Lincoln,
when informed that General Grant preferred to guzzle
whiskey while leading the troops, replies, "Find out the
name of the brand so I can give it to my other generals."
1863 AD A precocious 13-year-old lad named Jack
Daniels buys a distillery in Lynchburg, Tennessee and
begins producing his own brand of whiskey. By the time he
bought the distillery, young Jack had already six years
experience distilling liquor.
1873 AD The number of legal breweries in America
peaks at 4,131.
1874 AD Lady Randolph Churchill, Winston
Churchill's mother, invents the Manhattan.
1890 AD The highball is invented in a St. Louis
1898 AD The Daiquiri is conceived by American
engineer Jennings Cox in Cuba, ostensively to combat
outbreaks of malaria. Bars in Havana run ads stating:
"Which sounds cooler: Drunk on Daquiris or Death by
Disease? Eh, Gringo?"
1899 AD The first political cocktail, the Cuba
Libre (Free Cuba) is invented near the end of the Spanish
American War when an American officer mixes rum with an
otherwise useless beverage called Coca-Cola.
1901 AD Absinthe devotee Pablo Picasso begins his
Blue Period, followed shortly by his Hammered Beyond All
Belief Period.
1910 AD Absinthe is banned in the nation of its
birth, Switzerland. Dozens of countries follow suit and
France, the last holdout, declares the manufacture and
consumption of absinthe illegal in 1915.
1915 AD The Singapore Sling is invented by barman
Ngiam Tong Boon at Raffle's Hotel in Singapore.
1920 AD Prohibition goes into effect in the United
1922 AD The Lost Generation begins forming up in
Paris. Americas finest young writers, fleeing prohibition
in their native land, use the backdrop of post-war Europe
and untold amounts of booze to create some of the 20th
Century's finest literature.
1923 AD Illegal speakeasies usher in the Lounge
Era. These underground clubs boast swank interiors,
overpriced booze, and, yes, women. Prohibition, which was
largely instigated by women, is now serving to introduce
women to bars and the men who like to drink in them.
1929 AD Since the start of Prohibition, 700,000,000
gallons of beer, wine and liquor have been illicitly
produced (and drank) in the US. In Paris, a devastating
blow is delivered to hangovers as Pete Petoit develops the
first prototype of the Bloody Mary in Harry's Bar.
1930 AD Don "the Beachcomber" Beach creates the
Zombie as a hangover cure.
1933 AD FDR signs the bill that dissolves
Prohibition, and celebrates with the first (legal) martini
in 13 years. Sadly, many American breweries would not
survive the drought and America is now stuck with a
handful of ever-growing macrobreweries. With $5,000 and a
recipe found in a pamphlet borrowed from a public Library,
brothers Ernest and Julio Gallo began building a
wine-making empire. In the next eighty years they will
produce millions of gallons of "budget" wine and inflict
nearly as many psyche-shattering hangovers.
1935 AD Jagermeister is invented in Wolfenbuttel,
Germany. On the other side of the Atlantic, canned beer is
introduced by the Kreuger Brewing Company in Richmond, VA.
1938 AD Writer H. L. Mencken announces that
17,864,392,788 different cocktails can be made from the
ingredients in a well-stocked bar. The Bartender's Guild
considers having him assassinated.
1939 AD France fearfully watches Germany rearm
under the guidance of a teetotaler with a Charlie Chaplin
mustache. France wonders, "What shall he do for fun?"
1940 AD Germany invades France.
1944 AD Trader Vic invents the Mai Tai in Oakland,
1945 AD The Allies, led by full-bore boozers
Churchill, FDR and Stalin, defeat the Axis Powers, led by
a sinister cabal of teetotalers and lightweights. The
world is now safe for drinkers. And democracy.
1948 AD Happy Hour is invented in Chicago.
1947 AD Humphrey Bogart forms the first incarnation
of the Rat Pack in Hollywood. Later headed by Frank
Sinatra, the Pack would dictate what was hip until the
hippies came along and screwed everything up. In St.
Louis, the Hyde Park brewery airs the first beer
commercial on television.
1950 AD Flying in the face of the Red Scare, vodka
begins to dominate the world market. The Screwdriver soon
becomes the most popular drink in America.
1951 AD Trader Vic opens restaurants in San
Francisco, Oakland, and Beverly Hills, and cocktail
lounges in Seattle and Chicago. Soldiers returning from
the Pacific flock to the Polynesian themed bars, ushering
in the Tiki Era.
1953 AD The Piña Colada
is first assembled in the Hotel Caribe Hilton in Puerto
Rico by Ramón Marrero. The coconut cocktail would go on to
win a global competition and inspire Rupert Holmes to pen
a song so insidiously catchy it would haunt an entire
1958 AD Ernest Hemingway issues a challenge to the
rest of America by consuming 16 of his signature Papa
Dobles cocktails in a single sitting (more than 60oz of
strong rum), then walking home. Accepting the challenge,
America enters a golden age of guzzling, led by celebrity
avatars like Jackie Gleason, Dean Martin, Robert Mitchum
and Richard Burton.
1960 AD The Rat Pack begins holding court at the
Sands Hotel in Vegas. The Swinger Era begins.
1962 AD John F. Kennedy and Ernest Hemingway's
public thirst for daiquiris ignites a pop culture
1963 AD The pop top beer can is introduced by the
Iron City Beer Brewing Company in Pittsburgh.
1964 AD Sean Connery, as James Bond, not only asks
for vodka in his martini, but also insists it be shaken,
not stirred, releasing a two-headed gorgon of controversy.
Soon every Playboy subscriber in the civilized world is
donning a tuxedo jacket and swilling vodka martinis.
1970 AD Wineries rapidly spread throughout
California and wine spritzers and disco music suspiciously
arrive at the exact same time.
1972 AD The Long Island Ice Tea is invented by a
Long Island Bartender Robert C. "Rosebud" Butt. In
defiance of all previously known laws of mixology,
tequila, rum, vodka, and gin are made to play nice
1975 AD Androgynous cocktails such as the Tequila
Sunrise and the Harvey Wallbanger, along with a plethora
of self-help books encouraging sensitivity and outright
crying, lay heavy siege to the collective masculinity of
the modern male.
1978 AD President Jimmy Carter, in an attempt to
atone for his many failures, legalizes home brewing.
1980 AD The first boxed wines appear in Australia
and the trend soon spreads to the U.S. Drunks now have the
power to tumble down a flight of stairs with two liters of
wine in their hands without the worry of picking shards of
glass out of their skulls while bawling over spilled wine.
Jokes about American beer become popular throughout the
world because as the U.S.'s 44 brewing companies produce
virtually the same product: a light, tasteless,
over-carbonated lager.
1981 AD As state laws are relaxed, microbreweries
start popping up across the nation. America's reputation
as a decent beer-producing nation is redeemed. The
population of beer snobs also multiples.
1985 AD Bartles & James takes a chance on a bizarre
ad campaign featuring two old coots sitting on a porch
asking you to buy their light and fruity wines. A wine
cooler craze soon sweeps the nation, instantly doubling
the chances of pimply high-school kids getting laid after
the prom.
1987 AD Fueled by rumors that it contains morphine
extracts, Jagermeister explodes out of New Orleans and
sweeps the nation. It effectively secures the middle
ground between manly shots (tequila and whiskey) and wussy
shots (Kamikazes and fruit schnapps). The finest drinking
movie ever made, the Bukowski-scripted Barfly, is
1990 AD The martini and the lounge make triumphant
comebacks. On their back arrives the pseudo-martini craze,
whereas even a dead rat served in a stemmed glass can be
called a martini. This is also the era of the ribaldly-named
cocktail, including the Sex on the Beach, Screaming Orgasm
and Sloe Comfortable Screw.
1992 AD Flavored vodkas begin fighting for space on
the bar shelves.
1996 AD Modern Drunkard Magazine is launched.
2003 AD Nearly 2000 breweries are now in operation
in the United States, surpassing the number in existence
prior to Prohibition.
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