was he thinking? Or was he thinking? Did John Kerry
forget how that widely ridiculed photo opportunity in
the Army tank deflated the presidential campaign of
his mentor Michael Dukakis?
Apparently not. Sen. Kerry continues
to face fallout from his widely ridiculed photo opportunity
at Cape Canaveral.
He must have thought wearing a baby-blue
anti-contamination suit would somehow make him appear
tough and less elitist than usual. The New York Post,
however, in the lead story "BOSTON, WE HAVE A PROBLEM,"
with the secondary headline "Spaceman Kerry's goofy
photo flub," today noted he looked instead like
the sperm Woody Allen played in "Everything You
Always Wanted to Know About Sex but Were Afraid to Ask."
"The GOP effort to pull a 'Dukakis'
on Kerry is shifting into high gear," the Associated
Press reported today.
But Kerry seems eager to pull a Dukakis
on himself.
Republican chairman Ed Gillespie said,
"We just thought it was a great photo."

Dukakis 1988...
