is a sport wherein the overly zealous player may acquire
delusions and may drive himself to distraction trying
to achieve perfection. The sport is dangerous. If you
begin to take yourself seriously, you are taking the
first steps down the road to perdition. Let me try to
Golf is a strange activity where grown
men (and women) go for leisurely walks in a manicured
cow pasture. Every fifteen minutes or so they meet on
a flat green area and provide alibis about why they
detoured through the trees. Then they play pasture pool,
hitting a small white ball with an iron club into a
Someone comes around and plants a flag
in the flat green area. This tells the players where
to congregate. After they have held 18 such meetings,
they are allowed to meet in the clubhouse, where they
expend more time drinking and telling lies about their
tour of the pasture.
What was once a leisurely walk has changed...the
men now chase each other across the pasture in miniature
cars, which helps them to catch up to the little white
balls they are beating with oversized clubs. Beginners
refer to themselves as "duffers," which appears
to mean they can't stay out of the trees. Veterans are
called "sandbaggers" who post high scores
only until someone makes a bet on the game (Think about
becomes dangerous when the "duffer starts to swing
the club with style. This leads to pretensions of perfection.
Suddenly the "duffer" thinks he is Tiger Woods
or Phil Mickelson, able to smack the ball over trees
with his "niblik." Now the game gets serious.
Other golfers begin to compare scores.
At this point, these serious "duffers"
will routinely submit the number of little white balls
they hit to the Great Computer and monthly they will
receive a license. With their license in hand they will
stage legalized assaults...where they chase all over
the course and then compare "scores." That
is called a tournament. Six hundred years ago a tournament
meant two men on horseback trying to mash each other
with a long wooden club. In those days, the players
wore armor. These days players drive the armor and use
a mashie (3 wood) to bash a ball.
The game has a second name. You will
hear grown men use the name when a good shot slices
out of bounds or hits a tree. It's that two word name,
"Oh, Shit!" These words are cast into the
ether in hopes of placating the gods of golf. It is
the gods who desire that men sacrifice little white
balls into water hazards or the impenetrable dark rough,
also called the "tough." These same gods will
tease a golfer with a round in which almost every swing
is perfect. Now is the time to be careful. Remember,
there is no such thing as a perfect round. Do not fool
yourself. If you do, the gods will frown on your efforts,
send your ball into the water and drive you to drink