and Astrid Hokkannen turned down a tax break on
their home because they said it was "a little
much, ya know?"
favorite joke:
Lena passed away and Ole called
911. The 911 operator told Ole that she would
send someone out right away.
"Where do you live?" asked the operator.
Ole replied, "At the end of Eucalyptus Drive."
"Can you spell that for me?" the operator
There was a long pause and finally Ole said, "How
'bout if I drag her over to Oak Street and you
pick her up over der?" |
ST. PAUL, MNAlthough many of its
highways and bridges are in severe disrepair, the traditionally
undemanding state of Minnesota isn't comfortable asking
for more interstate funding, sources reported Monday.
"Oh, we wouldn't want to bother
the U.S. governmentthey've got more than enough
on their plate as it is," Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty
said. "Most of the potholes on I-90 are less than
four feet wide. We get by just fine. I wouldn't want
anyone all the way over there in Washington to be worrying
about little ol' us."
According to U.S. Department of Transportation
records, Minnesota has not requested an increase in
highway funds for 10 years, in spite of the fact that
the majority of their roads are plagued by rutted or
uneven surfaces, cracked pavement, potholes, and other
"If it were a life or death situation,
you can bet your sweet little bippy we'd ask for it,
but since it isn't..." Pawlenty said. "Well,
we can make do with the transportation-department budget
they decided to give us back in 1995. That was more
than generous."
But U.S. Transportation Secretary Norman
Mineta said Minnesota's highway system is "dangerously
"Nearly 20 percent of Minnesota's
highway lights are not working, and Highway 280 seems
to be held together with equal parts concrete and prayer,"
Mineta said. "We tried to slip them a few dollars
along with the National Bridge Inspection Standards
Act, but they told us to put the money right back into
our wallets, or give it to someone who could really
use it, like Arizona."
Mineta said that, even after he explained
that he couldn't simply give the money to another state,
Minnesota reaffirmed that it was determined to stretch
what federal dollars it had.
"They kept saying, 'Oh, you guys
keep that budget allocation,'" Mineta said. "But
everyone likes Minnesota and would love to help them
out. They never ask for anything, unlike New York, which
seems to be in some kind of crisis every other week."
Joshua Bolten, U.S. Director of the
Office of Management and Budget, said the national government
"guilted" Minnesota into accepting some money
to fund a child-safety-seat program three years ago,
by repeatedly urging them to "think of the children."
"After all it took to get them
to take the money, they wouldn't stop thanking us,"
Bolten said. "The following day, Minnesota congressmen
kept dropping by with cakes and cookies. I mean, the
hand-stitched quilt Rep. Mark Kennedy (R-MN) made was
beautiful, but a gift was really, really unnecessary."
Nikkonenn shows off a Crappie she caught on a Normans'
Tiny-n-Ticer jig lure. "Hon är inte helt
ny!" |
Most Minnesota residents support their
governor's decision to do without increased federal
funding. In fact, citizens have been holding rummage
sales and donating their time so that they won't have
to inconvenience the rest of the country.
"We don't want to be a bother,"
said Brian Calhoun, a restaurant owner who spent last
weekend fixing highway safety rails in his hometown
of St. Cloud. "There are a lot of folks around
here who know the value of a little bit of elbow grease.
Duluth said it has some scrap metal we might be able
to melt down to make some lamp poles."
Although the majority of Minnesota residents
agree that they can "make do," a few have
"This is stupid," said Tom
Suttcliffe, a recent transplant to Minneapolis. "We
need more snow plowseverybody knows it. I'm sorry,
but I don't think having people agree to shovel the
street in front of their houses is the answer. Shit,
if everyone else is too embarrassed to ask for the money,
I'll do it. Who do I call?"
Later that day, Minnesota officials
gave Suttcliffe a "stern talking to," and
the Boston native said he would not speak out of turn
In spite of the state's congenial nature,
federal officials say they are "exasperated"
by Minnesota's selflessness.
"Minnesota should just take the
spending money, already," Department of Education
Undersecretary Edward McPherson said. "It's not
like it's a special handoutall schools were allocated
extra money under the Individuals with Disabilities
Education Act. But they refuse to accept their extra
federal funding on the grounds that their schools 'don't
need to be fancy.'"
"Frankly, they're just being stubborn
and I'm not going to stand for it any longer,"
McPherson said. "They're gonna get some more funding
by the end of the year if the federal government has
to airdrop in school lunches and forcibly place new
teachers in the classrooms with the help of the National