Anna Clifford's brush with the law proved a
hair-raising experience for all concerned. Particularly the
police photographer. Gotta love her smirk!
He had to take several steps back to incorporate
the full extent of her 18in-high Mohican.
Miss Clifford was stopped for erratic driving
in the early hours after a night out to celebrate her birthday
with friends in Memphis, Tennessee.
She had the car's sunroof open to accommodate
her crowning glory.
Her performance in the standard test of sobriety
walking in a straight line was distinctly average,
but police said they were not sure if it was drink or her peacock-like
hairstyle that was causing her problem.
A breath test confirmed that she was over the
limit and she was taken off to the cells to sober up.
Police spokesman Sergeant Vince Higgins said:
"We have to take the mugshot picture as the person looks
at the time of the arrest, so we needed to make sure we got
all her hair in.
"When we pulled her over she had been driving
with her sunroof open to allow room for her hair. I dont
know what she'd do if it rained."