Be sure to also see Peta Sucks written
in rabbits
to Reactionary Animal Lovers: This is not Tony (website owner) or anyone I know who
posed for this photo. It is a darkly humorous photo
that just zips around the Internet via email. I say
this because I've had too many people flip out and actually
threaten to kill my entire family for posting this photo,
and I don't want to keep repeating myself saying that
I didn't shoot these rabbits and pose them disrespectfully.
I have no idea who these guys are, so if you want
to flip out, find out who these guys are and then
threaten their families if you feel so inclined to such
terroristic threats. Just remember that threatening
to kill specific people is a Federal felony punishable
by death. Leave me out of those threats.
But seriously...
If you are ever in the mood to adopt a rescue animal, I was contacted by someone sweet from HomeoAnimal.com and they have a guide to adopting a good pet that needs a good home. :) |