Two Germans needed hospital treatment after they fought a pitched battle in a supermarket with salamis used as clubs and a chunk of Parmesan cheese brandished like a dagger.
By Allan Hall in Berlin, Germany

The fight took place in the western city of Aachen when a 74-year-old man and a 35-year-old woman both laid claim to a shopping trolley on Saturday.
As the pensioner wrestled the cart from the hands of his rival, her 24-year-old brother stepped forward and floored him with a punch.
Together with their 53-year-old mother, the brother and sister then took the trolley into the supermarket. But the OAP came round and followed them to the cheese counter.
He clubbed the younger man with a salami as his mother tried to fend him off with a sharp 4lbs piece of Parmesan.
The pensioner then pushed the woman down on to a glass countertop on which she cracked her head.
Police arrived to break up the melee. Two of those involved were treated in hospital for minor injuries.
The trolley was undamaged.
A police spokesman said a sudden rush of shoppers on the last-but-one Saturday before Christmas had depleted the supermarket's trolley reserves and "raised tensions" between the would-be customers.