David Lee Roth and Sammy Hagar
at the 2002 MTV Music Awards. |
Blabbermouth.net quotes Hagar as saying, "It's been a
long, long time, but back in about '68, in Fontana,
California, I had this unbelievable experience.I'm a firm
believer-have seen, have felt, have been contacted three
or four different times. I have received information that
has been valuable in my life from those people, and they
have used me. I'm gonna sound like a complete nut here,
but they have used me in an experimental fashion. The
easiest way to put it is that they downloaded my brain
information. When I was about 19 or 20, they downloaded
everything that was in my head. And I caught 'em doin' it!
I woke up in the middle of the night, thinkin', 'What's
goin' on?' They were like, 'Oh, my god, he's waking up!'
But this was all telepathy-there were no words being
spoken. And as soon as I woke up-it was probably three
o'clock in the morning-my whole room was so bright that I
could hardly keep my eyes open. I was wide-awake, I could
not move, eyes open, white room, they were still
disconnecting-and when they did, it just went 'bang!'
Everything went back to normal, back to black. I was
shaking, I almost passed out, I was sick to my stomach and
almost had to throw up, it was so scary.
"It sent me on a course of curiosity. I bought a
telescope, and I started reading UFO books, and I just got
into the whole thing. And since then, there have been
three or four other contacts with the same group of
people. I don't know who.they are, but I've narrowed them
down to a people called the Nine, who are called that
because they're from the Ninth Dimension. I've named my
publishing company the Nine Music after them. It's a crazy
thing, man. But to me, anyone who thinks we're the only
ones here, despite the vastness of the entire universe,
is.crazy. Those people gotta be put away-not the guys
having these contacts!"