Northern Light
Gun Club in Red Wing, MN. This is early dawn
at about 7:20am. Still some frost on the grass.
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Unpacking the
Looking back
at the 200 yard line on the walk to the target
pits. Nice morning!
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Looking back
at the 200 yard line on the walk to the target
pits. Nice morning!
Looking at the
targets from the 200 yard line.
The early, unstaffed
target pits. I was on Relay 3, which meant we
started the day in the pits. Not bad when it
is that early in the morning. High
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Brand new targets
lit in the morning sun. Sweet...
Setting up at
the 200 yard line.
Setting up at
the 200 yard line. My shooting partner, Mark
Conrad, is wearing the plaid shirt in the left
foreground. Mark is a Marine from Chicago. He
gave me great advice and advocated a correction
in one of my scores. Mark won the Master class
Tony holding
his "best friend" at the 200 yard
line. Jerry Johnson, a MPLS cop, took these
two photos of me. Great guy.
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Scoring the final aggregate
As a Sharpshooter, I average
an aggregate Over-The-Course (OTC) score of
inside of the 8-ring, and technically inside
of an imaginary 8.4-ring.
See the final
aggregate scores here, for all divisions
in the match. Note how bad my nice
score gets totally spanked by the Master and
High Master top level shooters!
I shot a 715 - 9X out of
a perfect score of 800 and am now classified
as Sharpshooter. Below are the levels to reach
of a perfect 100% bullseye score percentage
to Classify at each level. I'll keep trying
to get higher.
High Master |
97 to 100% |
Master |
94 to 96.99% |
Expert |
89 to 93.99% |
Sharpshooter |
84 to 88.99% |
Marksman |
zero to 83.99% |
Colt AR-15 Comp HBAR
Rock River Arms Match Upper
Wilson Air-Gauged 1:8" Stainless Barrel
Paul Bawden Super V Custom Shooting Jacket
Paul Bawden/Sauer Shooting Glove
UnderArmor Compression Shirt
Ullfrotte 400g wool zip-T
Ullfrotte 800g wool sweater
Wiley-X Shooting Glasses
Silencio Electronic Hearing Protection
Socks by Ullfrotte
Pants by Carrhart
Lipstick by Revlon
Tips from the Pros