Wild Boar Hunt - Hawaii
Tony's Note: I got this from a friend of a friend. Pretty amazing way to take a wild boar!
They accidentally hooked up with some young locals
and ended up taking a 325 lb. wild boar. Their weapons? Only dogs and a knife...
The bigger dogs are grabbers - they grab the ears until thrown / tusked by the boar, and generally distract it so the hunters can approach the boar from the rear. The hunters must get the boar off its feet, then dispatch it with the knife.
The second photo shows the boar's head, and the damage wrought by the dogs. Lots of dog slobber and blood.
The third photo shows the dogs after the kill, licking blood off of each other. The large dog that is standing erect (facing right) took some serious fight from the boar,
but it did survive to hunt another day. |