(AFP) - A senior Republican lawmaker said that
deteriorating security in Iraq may force the United
States to reintroduce the military draft.
"There's not an American ... that doesn't understand
what we are engaged in today and what the prospects are
for the future," Senator Chuck Hagel told a Senate
Foreign Relations Committee hearing on post-occupation
"Why shouldn't we ask all of our citizens to bear some
responsibility and pay some price?" Hagel said, arguing
that restoring compulsory military service would force
"our citizens to understand the intensity and depth of
challenges we face."
The Nebraska Republican added that a draft, which was
ended in the early 1970s, would spread the burden of
military service in Iraq more equitably among various
social strata.
"Those who are serving today and dying today are the
middle class and lower middle class," he observed.
The call to consider a imposing a draft comes just days
after the Pentagon moved to extend the missions of some
20,000 of the 135,000 US troops in Iraq.
Some critics of the US-led occupation complain that
military planners used too few troops to subdue Iraq,
and insist that more military muscle will be needed to
restore order.
The US-led military coalition was put under further
strain by the announcement this week by coalition
members Spain and Honduras that they would withdraw
their military contingents from Iraq.
witnesses at the hearing, including academics and former
US officials, expressed concern about ongoing flareups
of violence in Iraq this month -- the bloodiest yet for
US troops.
"I think it's clear that pressures in Iraq have reached
the boiling point," said Samuel Berger, national
security adviser during the Bill Clinton administration,
who called for an increase in troops there, and a
"genuine, non-grudging effort to internationalize the
enterprise in Iraq, both military and civilian."
"We've got to be prepared to give up our hammerlock on
decision making in exchange for genuine burden sharing."
Richard Perle, a former White House adviser who
currently serves as a fellow at a conservative think
tank, advised against adding troops or extending the
date of handover of Iraqi sovereignty beyond the
currently-set June 30 date.
I guess we need
some fresh buckhorns from Alabamer like this guy
over there in the big fight! |
"It is essential that we not delay the handover of
sovereignty set for the end of June, even if there is
continuing violence by those who know they have no place
in a decent, democratic Iraq," he said.
Perle also warned against entrusting the United Nations
with the post-occupation administration of Iraq, saying
UN involvement should be kept at "an absolute minimum."
"A large UN contingent in Iraq ... would do more harm
than good," Perle said.
"It would discourage the assumption of sovereignty by
Iraqis themselves. It would drain resources urgently
needed for the development of Iraq's economy," Perle
A senior Democrat meanwhile, lashed out at the White
House for failing to send a top administration official
to appear before the panel.
"I think it is outrageous that the administration has
not provided every witness we've asked for," said
Senator Joseph Biden, the highest-ranking Democrat on
the committee.
"The fact that they are not prepared to send a witness
means that they are either totally incompetent and they
don't have anything to tell us ... or they're refusing
to allow us to fulfill our constitutional
responsibility" of congressional oversight, Biden said.
The committee's Republican chairman, Richard Lugar, also
slammed the White House for "inadequate planning and
communication related to Iraq."