of State Colin Powell plans to attend the inauguration
of Georgia's new president Mikhail Saakashvilli this
weekend, offering Saakashvilli a symbolic stamp of U.S.
approval. In addition to the planned festivities of
singers, acrobats, dancing bears and a military parade,
Powell may be stepping into the beginning of a civil war
set off by the new president himself.
Sources close to the president of a small Georgian
republic, the Autonomous Republic of Adjara, say the
Adjarans have uncovered a secret plot by Saakashvilli to
seize the republic and its port capitol of Batumi in the
aftermath of Sunday's inaugural celebration. Adjarans
believe that as soon as Powell leaves Georgia the new
president intends to strike against them.
new president Mikhail Saakashvilli |
The Adjarans, 400,000
citizens with no army but many guns, this week
encouraged their police, customs and border guards,
about 5,000 in all, to repel what they fear will be an
invasion. A friend of the Adjaran president, a former
U.S. intelligence officer with vast international
connections, Chet Nagle, flew from Istanbul, Turkey this
week and delivered a letter yesterday from Adjaran
President Aslan Abashidze to Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.)
at his Hill office asking for his support to
"prevent the tragedy of civil war."
Georgia has an army of some 30,000 troops, lots of
equipment, and at least five U.S. special forces units
in-country with CIA paramilitary trainers and equipment,
including 12 advanced AH-64D Longbow attack helicopters. Adjara, as an
autonomous republic, has its own constitution and laws
but does not print money or engage in foreign policy.
Aslan Abashidze is the elected president of Adjara and
from a family well-known for 600 years in Georgia.
Abashidze is disliked by the Georgian government but
very much liked by the Adjarans whom he has governed in
a strict but democratic fashion. Abashidze is a
Christian, as is much of Adjara, but he is famous for
his kind treatment of the republic's tight-knit group of
about 500 Jewish families. Abashidze ousted Russian
troops from the old synagogue in the capital city of
Batumi -- they had been using the temple as a
"sports club" -- rebuilt it and gave it back
to the Jews.
Saakashvilli was thrilled by Powell's announcement two
weeks ago that he would travel to Georgia for the
swearing-in. "This has virtually not happened in
history," he gushed to the Georgian press. The
ousted former president Eduard Shervardnadze was a close
friend of former Secretaries of State George Shultz and
James Baker and popular with western foreign policy
non-governmental organizations. But Shevarnadze was seen
as a fellow who favored Russia over the United States.
The issues here are oil and NATO expansion. The
pipeline carrying oil from the big Caspian Sea fields
goes through the territory, and there are some pesky
Russian troops in Georgia. They are there by invitation
to safeguard Russian ethnic minorities, and to look out
for Chechen terrorists.
Here is the plan our sources in Adjara believe is the
likely scenario for the seizure of their republic:
Initial indications from Georgia's State Chancellery
were that the inauguration would be held Sunday in the
Gelati Monastery, not far from Tbilisi because President
Saakashvilli didn't want to evoke associations with
Eduard Shevardnadze, by holding the ceremony held
outside the Tiblisi parliament building.
Also, Sunday, Jan. 25 is Schevardnadze's birthday. But
the monastery seemed unsuitable for the size of the
planned ceremony and celebration so the Adjarans now say
it will be in Kutaisi in the Republic of Georgia, a
small city in the Caucasian mountains. At the ceremony
will be a military parade, the first ever held in
Georgia at an inauguration. Why Kutaisi instead of the
capital, Tbilisi or at the monastery? Adjaran sources
say because it is so much closer to Adjara and the
troops won't have far to march. Adjaran president
Abashidze has told friends and supporters that the plot
calls for the Georgian soldiers to go to Poti, a port
city on the Black Sea near the border with Adjara. They
will join the Georgian garrison there, cross the
border by force of arms, and attack the capitol of
Adjara, Batumi, with some 2,000 regulars and seize
control of Adjara.
Russia's intelligence service is highly competent and
the Russian government, presumably aware of this plot,
has been making public noises of "concern"
over "tension in Georgia." The Russians are
resentful of U.S.-sponsored NATO pressure to push them
out of every country except their own.
Turkey is interested too, since they guarantee the
constitution of Adjara by the 1921 treaty of Kars.
Besides being bad for the health of women and children,
the impending civil war in Georgia has serious regional
and international implications.
related story about Georgia's potential conflagration