Originally published on Wednesday,
February 11, 2004 in the News section of The Harvard
months after returning home from Vietnam, a young John
Kerry strolled into the offices of The Harvard Crimson
on Feb. 13, 1970 as an obscure underdog in the
Democratic Congressional primary.
The decorated veteran, honorably
discharged after a tour of duty in the Mekong Delta,
spoke in fierce terms during his daylong interview with
The Crimson’s Samuel Z. Goldhaber ’72.
But almost 34 years later, Kerry’s
remarks on American military and intelligence operations
vastly diverge from opinions expressed by the
present-day Sen. John F. Kerry, D.-Mass., the leading
candidate in the Democratic primary for president.
“I’m an internationalist,” Kerry told The
Crimson in 1970. “I’d like to see our troops dispersed
through the world only at the directive of the United
Nations.” Kerry said he wanted
“to almost eliminate CIA activity. The CIA is fighting
its own war in Laos and nobody seems to care.”
The Kerry campaign, celebrating primary
victories in Virginia and Tennessee last night, declined
to comment on the senator’s remarks.
As a candidate for president, Kerry has
said he supports the autonomy of the U.S. military and
has never called for a scale-back of CIA operations.
Former Secretary of Labor Robert B. Reich
defended Kerry’s 1970 statements as appropriate for
their time. “In the context of
the Vietnam War, those comments are completely
understandable,” said Reich, who has endorsed Kerry.
a spokesperson for President Bush’s reelection campaign
said Kerry’s 1970 remarks signaled the senator’s
weakness on defense. “President
Bush will never cede the best interests of the national
security of the American people to anybody but the
president of the United States, along with the
Congress,” said the spokesperson, Kevin A. Madden.
The increasingly likely matchup between
Kerry and Bush has already prompted comparisons of the
senator’s record in Vietnam and the president’s domestic
service in the National Guard. And the two Yale
graduates, both members of the secret society Skull and
Bones, appeared set to square off in future months under
the specter of the ongoing war in Iraq.
Goldhaber, whose first-person profile of
Kerry ran in The Crimson Feb. 18, 1970, said yesterday
he recalled the candidate as an emerging outsider whose
campaign focused squarely on his opposition to the
Vietnam War. “We lived, dreamed
and breathed Vietnam,” Goldhaber said.
Still, Adam Clymer ’58, political
director of the National Annenberg Election Survey at
the University of Pennsylvania, said Kerry’s comments
would likely find their way into Bush campaign
“If I were them, I’d use this,” said Clymer, a former
Crimson president. “I’d use it in direct mail.”
Kerry’s conservative opponents have
already begun painting the Massachusetts senator and
former deputy governor as an elite, New England liberal,
and his 21-year voting record in the Senate may provide
considerable ammunition. Madden
said the Bush campaign would highlight Kerry’s Senate
votes should he win the Democratic nomination.
And Reich forecasted G.O.P. research
would extend far beyond Capitol Hill.
“If Kerry is the nominee, Republicans
will try and search back into everything he ever said on
every issue,” Reich predicted.
Kerry’s 1970 remarks to Goldhaber portray a fiery,
novice politician inspired by his opposition to the
Vietnam War. “He struck me as
very ambitious,” Goldhaber said yesterday. “He struck me
as the sort of person—even back then, newly returned
from Vietnam—who was thinking about running for