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Strange Object Seen Near Sun
January 6, 2005

Click for full SOHO imageOn January 21, 2004, published a story about a strange object that appeared near the sun in an image taken by NASA's Solar and Heliospheric Observatory. The object was dismissed by NASA first as a system artifact, then as a star or space debris. Now, almost exactly a year later, another such object has appeared in a new SOHO image. This one has somewhat more of the appearance of a system artifact, but it is also the only one we have observed since last January that is not obviously a star, an artifact, or some other natural occurrence.

The January, 2004 object had faint lighted material moving between itself and the sun. This one seems to have a string of solar matter moving between it and the sun. Normal system artifacts do not show these additional phenomena.

Both of these objects might have perfectly ordinary natural explanations, but it is worth noting that the two appeared a year apart. There are a number of repeating UFOs in the world, the most notable being the Camarillo UFO in California, which has made appearances each thanksgiving for eight years. The larger version of the SOHO image is seen below. Navigation Links

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