Social Security
Administration officials estimate that about
50,000 Mexicans would collect $78 million in the
first year of a U.S.-Mexican agreement. They
predict that by 2050, 300,000 Mexicans would
collect $650 million in benefits a year. |
WASHINGTON - U.S. and Mexican
officials are discussing an agreement that would allow
millions of Mexicans to return home and still collect
U.S. Social Security benefits.
The controversial proposal that could transfer hundreds
of millions of dollars in Social Security payments south
of the border has riled some Republican lawmakers. They
worry that it could reward scores of undocumented
Mexican immigrants with a U.S. pension, draining the
country's Social Security trust fund at a time when its
future solvency is in doubt.
"Talk about an incentive for illegal immigration," said
GOP Rep. Ron Paul of Texas. "How many more would break
the law to come to this country if promised U.S.
government paychecks for life?"
Supporters of the proposal argue that Mexican
immigrants, documented and undocumented, pay millions,
if not billions, of dollars in payroll taxes and have
the right to claim Social Security benefits.
"Let's be honest, there are many Mexican immigrants
contributing to the Social Security system and the U.S.
economy," said Katherine Culliton, an attorney with the
Washington, D.C., office of the Mexican American Legal
Defense and Education Fund. "It's only fair they get
back a benefit they deserve that will keep them from
dying in poverty. Americans can easily fund retirement
incomes for our neighbors to the South who have no such
system in their country to take care of them. Americans
already make more money than we need, and our taxes our
so low compared to the rest of the world. This is a
Final approval of any U.S.-Mexican "totalization"
agreement is up to the Republican-controlled Congress.
The Bush administration supports such an accord as a way
to improve U.S.-Mexican relations.
And Mexico is prepared to administer an agreement,
Social Security Commissioner Jo Anne Barnhart told
lawmakers at a congressional hearing earlier this year.
U.S. officials said they are satisfied that the two
countries could exchange information easily on potential
Social Security recipients. Details of how to put the
agreement into effect still need to be worked out.
Under a totalization agreement between two countries,
workers could accumulate enough credits to qualify for
Social Security benefits in either country.
20 other accords
The federal government began pursuing such agreements in
1977 to help make Americans sent abroad by their
employers eligible for Social Security benefits. Today,
the United States has pacts with 20 countries, mostly in
Europe. Congress has never rejected an agreement.
In 2001, the federal government paid out $173 million in
Social Security benefits to about 89,000 foreigners
living abroad, a fraction of the $408 billion
distributed the same year to 45 million U.S. residents.
But a U.S.-Mexican agreement would dwarf the accords
with other countries, critics of the proposal say. They
point out that the combined number of recipients from
those 20 countries is tiny compared with the potentially
vast number of Mexican citizens who could become
eligible for Social Security.
"None of those countries have public policies that
encourage illegal immigration to the United States,"
said Republican Rep. John Hostettler of Indiana,
chairman of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on
Immigration, Border Security and Claims.
Social Security Administration officials estimate that
about 50,000 Mexicans would collect $78 million in the
first year of a U.S.-Mexican agreement. They predict
that by 2050, 300,000 Mexicans would collect $650
million in benefits a year.
But a recent General Accounting Office report said those
numbers failed to account for the presence of many
potentially eligible, undocumented Mexican immigrants
and their families.
Census figures show that the United States is home to 9
million Mexican citizens. More than half, about 5
million, reportedly are in the United States illegally,
according to federal estimates.
Barnhart assured lawmakers that undocumented immigrants
do not get Social Security benefits.
"That's a myth," she said. "As is the case with our
existing agreements, a totalization agreement with
Mexico would not alter current law on this issue."
Proof of eligibility
That's true, but a provision in the
Social Security Act allows undocumented immigrants to
get Social Security benefits if the United States and
another country have a totalization agreement. Those
immigrants would have to prove they had paid into the
U.S. system.
Former undocumented immigrants also could become
eligible if they later become legal residents. A recent
investigation by the Office of Inspector General at the
Social Security Administration found two such cases.
In one, a Mexican man who used his father's Social
Security number for nine years in the 1970s claimed
after becoming a legal resident in 1989 that he was owed
benefits. He began collecting benefits in 1999.
And a Mexican woman who worked illegally under an
invalid Social Security number for six years in the
1990s later petitioned for credit. She began receiving
disability benefits in 1999.
"(The agency) does not consider the work-authorization
status of the individual when they earned the wages,"
the inspector general's report said. "It only considers
whether the individual can prove he or she paid Federal
Insurance Contribution Act (FICA) taxes as part of this
To qualify for Social Security benefits, Mexicans must
prove they worked in the United States at least 18
months. Payments are made on a prorated basis, depending
on years worked in the United States. Those who work at
least 10 years automatically would qualify for full
benefits. Those who also worked in Mexico for a specific
period of time could collect benefits in their home
country, too.
U.S. companies and their American employees working in
Mexico also would benefit under the agreement. By not
having to pay Social Security taxes to the Mexican
government, Social Security Administration officials
estimate American workers and their employers would save
$134 million each year.
David John, a Social Security expert with the
conservative Heritage Foundation said he's disappointed
the proposed agreement with Mexico has been twisted into
an emotional debate over U.S. immigration policy.
"Sadly, this whole thing has been hijacked by people on
both sides of an issue that must be resolved in a
totally different arena," he said. "It shouldn't be part
of the discussion in putting together a boring technical
agreement between two countries."