A UK teenager who hacked into a US
Government laboratory's computer network has been
ordered to serve 200 hours community service.
McElroy is a
first-year university student |
"Hacking is
still illegal and as a self-confessed serial
hacker, McElroy and the hacker community at large
will view this outcome as a green light to break
the law." --Ubizen |
Joseph McElroy used the lab's computers for films and
music taken from the net.
Southwark Crown Court waived a demand for £21,000 in
damages as it ruled that McElroy could not pay the fine.
The June 2002 intrusion by the Exeter University
student sparked a full-scale alert at the Chicago
laboratory, which researches high-energy particles.
Fearing a terrorist attack, the computer was closed
down for three days and the US Department of Energy,
which oversees the safety of the country's nuclear
weapons, sounded a full-scale alert.
'Green light'
The 19-year-old from east London had admitted hacking
into the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory.
He took advantage of a flaw in the lab's
authentication system and used the company's network
bandwidth to download and store hundreds of gigabytes of
copyrighted film and music files.
Judge Andrew Goymer decided against sending McElroy
behind bars as he had not accessed classified material
on the network and had not intended to cause harm.
He told the student he ought to "think yourself
lucky" he was not going to prison.
"Computers are an important feature of life in the
21st century," said Judge Goymer.
"Government, industry and commerce, as well as a
whole variety of other institutions, depend upon the
integrity and reliability of their computers in order
that their proper and legitimate activities can be
carried on."
The judge said it was important that the "wrong
message is not sent out to anybody else who is tempted
to behave in this way".
But security experts have expressed disappointment at
the leniency of the verdict.
"The McElroy hacking case highlights an increasingly
common practice in the online world - unfortunately for
him, he picked the wrong bandwidth to steal," said David
Williamson, director of sales at security firm Ubizen.
"It is very worrying that appropriate compensation or
a custodial sentence has not been issued in this case.
"Hacking is still illegal and as a self-confessed
serial hacker, McElroy and the hacker community at large
will view this outcome as a green light to break the