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Dad's Trip From St. Mary's To The Mayo
I made a special website for updates on this: 
Colin, Jim and Earl waiting for the word about transport method. Earl talking to the Flight Nurse, Brad, about storm complications and the status of the chopper. We went up to see the chopper while we waited.
An awesome looking bird, huh?
Jim mentioned that everyone has crossed arms. Were we a little nervous?
Colin in the Captain's seat. Colin showing his displeasure at being seated there, heh heh... Colin asked which buttons fired the air-to-surface rockets on the gyro stick.
If it was hooked up with AA missiles, Colin would have probably found it and fired them. Ready for transport. This looks grim, but Earl was still in high spirits and looking well. Colin wanted to see a chopper and an ambulance, and got to see both. Safe travel, Pops!
Copyright © 2003 Tony Rogers