Tony Rogers



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Camp Perry 2004
High Power National Matches
Tony, John, Steve and Kristof
Day 1 & 2 - M16 EIC Match
August 4 & 5
Day 3- Springfield Match Day 4 - NTIT Rattle Battle Day 4 - Garand National Match
Kristof and Steve on a tollway somewhere in Indiana on the way from Minnesota. Outside the hut on arrival. We had to wait for the bug bomb to kill everything inside first.
VERY early in the morning of the M16 EIC match, preparing gear in the dark. Sunrise on Viale Range.
John, Steve and Kristof on a fairly cold morning. Tony Steve and Kristof.
John shooting first, prepping gear during his 2-minute preparation period. Our issued M16A2 rifle with a selector safety to prevent us from firing in burst mode.
  Kristof in his standing offhand 2-minute preparation period.
Tony in the prone slow fire stage.  
  Yeah, it's real fun, man.
  Our tidy collection of rifle, magazines and ammunition.
Steve firing standing offhand.  
Group shot, with Tony firing in the top center of photo. Tony firing standing offhand.
  Steve in the pits checking for the next shot to score on the SRC target.
Steve and Kristof at our Garand Collectors Association group meeting.  
John in front of the salute cannon waiting on the GCA meeting. John in front of the salute cannon waiting on the GCA meeting.
Don and daughter Amy Kemps, from Wisconsin, who coached and scored our NTIT team last year. The huts on a time exposure just after sunset.
The huts on a time exposure just after sunset...  
See Day 3 - The Springfield National Match Navigation Links

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