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Winter Camping - Isabella, MN
Couz, Ben and Tony up at Couz's new property he bought. We started on Friday night by driving through a blizzard up the North Shore to reach the place. It was totally fun to see the sheer amount of snow up in this region. But it was hell on wheels trying to snowshoe through it. The trip highlights were the food, which we never actually got any photos of.
January 21-23, 2005
The Empire Canvas Works tent on the platform. There are those "orbs!" (just snow, man...)
Pretty nice with the platform. There is no bottom to the tent, so we would be on snow otherwise.
Shot in a time exposure, showing the natural light from the tent and the moon.
Couz just before preparing dinner on Friday night. We didn't even start dinner until midnight.
The new stove kept us pretty darn sauna-like when we kept it stoked. It was overkill for the tent size, but overkill at cold temps is moot.
Saturday afternoon sunlight on a balsam fir.
Couz outside of the tent on Saturday afternoon.
We were preparing to leave on snowshoes to blaze a trail down to the lake, about a mile away.
The snow was nearly waist deep, even on snowshoes. Some low drifted areas nearly swallowed me up.
Couz "Lewis & Clarking" in the clearcut west of his property line. This was the furthest he had explored the bordering land so far.
Couz and Tony, taking a breather.
We were late in the afternoon and didn't have enough time of sunlight to get much further than here.
This was the direction we were heading, keeping the sun on our left front shoulder.
Couz finds a nice hole while on point, breaking trail. This depth of snow probably even makes it work for the local moose.
The nearly full moon about 30 minutes before sunset.
The tent lit up by the rising nearly-full moon.
It dropped down to -21°F on Saturday night. We had plenty of pre-cut widow-maker wood cut down previously and we made a nice fire.
Ben, Couz and Tony in a group shot with the camera on a tripod.
Our cold-beater fire kicking sparks towards the moon.
Ben lit up from the fire.
You can see the amount of moonlight in the left rear of this photo. It was pretty bright. Navigation Links

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