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It is new. Revolutionary. Some call it worthy of inclusion as a centerfold in the world-renowned magazine called "Standard Things You Took For Granted."

It allows you to write. And then if you ever change your can eliminate those previous bad ideas at a delimination rate that will just astound you! Often times it takes a mere 3 seconds to COMPLETELY ELIMINATE your previous writing.

We call it...the Super Eraser Model 401XLR

It is made with supreme synthetic chemistry to make it abrasive, but not so abrasive that it tears the paper you are writing on. Eliminates graphite scratch abrasions with 7 or 8 strokes every time.

Can do the following:

  • Make your bad written thoughts go away
  • Correct bad mathematical computations on the fly
  • Eliminate bad attendance records at your job (only applies to primitive record keeping)

Invest now in this state-of-the-art record keeping tool that can be applied in most applications. (Applies mostly to pre-1950 record keeping).

Contact this site's investment Vice-President for more details.

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