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The Official Rules for the Rattle Battle
Officially known as the National Trophy Infantry Team Match (NTIT)

8.7 National Trophy Infantry Team Match

8.7.1 Team Composition

The team consists of a captain, a coach and six members who fire for the team's score and up to two alternates.

8.7.2 Course of Fire

The National Match Rifle Course (Table 5) is used for each firing member.

8.7.3 Conditions

(1)   A sling may be used for support in all positions.

(2)   Each team is permitted a total of 384 rounds of ammunition. The team captain allocates the ammunition among stages, divides it among the firing members and decides the number of rounds to be loaded in the clips or magazines.

(3)   Each team uses eight adjoining targets. Gaps in the target line separate one team's targets from those of another.

(4)   For firing at 600 and 500 yards, a standard 600-yard target is pasted on a standard competitive target frame. The face of the target is reversed to display a solid white background. The Army "E" silhouette target is centered horizontally on this background, with the top of the silhouette 13" below the top of the frame. For firing at 300 and 200 yards, the Army "F" silhouette target is pasted on the face of a standard 200-yard target, with the top of the silhouette positioned at the top of the 8 ring.

(5)   Teams take their positions on the 600-yard firing line as directed by team officials. Only the captain, coach, and firing members are permitted on the line. A three- minute preparation period shall be given at the 600- yard firing line only. After the preparation period ends, the command "Load and be ready" is given and the targets will be exposed in no sooner than 10 seconds and no later than 40 seconds. Shooters may start firing when targets appear. Between stages, each team moves forward abreast. Rifles must be unloaded, magazines removed and bolts opened, with muzzles elevated and pointed down range. The firing procedures at each range are the same as those at 600-yards. Each relay must complete the match before the next relay is called.

8.7.4 Scoring

(1)     All scores are recorded on the firing line at the end of each stage. Hits outside the silhouettes are not scored or marked.

(2)     Hits on the silhouettes count 4 points at 600 yards, 3 points at 500 yards, 2 points at 300 yards and 1 point at 200 yards.

(3)     A bonus for distribution is calculated at each range. The bonus is determined by counting the number of silhouette targets that contain six or more hits each. The number of targets with six or more hits is squared and that result is added to the total hit score for that range to produce the total score for that range.

(4)     Ties are broken by the highest team score at the longest range. When a tie cannot be broken this way, the highest team score at the next longest range is used, and so on.

8.7.5 Special Competition Rules

(1)    No alibis are accepted for misfires, disabled firearms or other failures of range or team equipment.

(2)    An assistant range officer is assigned to each team to enforce safety regulations and record the team's scores. A designated team representative (verifier) may accompany this officer down range to verify the score.

8.7.6 Telescopes and Field Glasses

Telescopes and field glasses may be used as follows:

(1)    Before the start of the team's relay, the captain and coach may use a telescope behind the assembly line.

(2)    These telescopes may not be used for coaching or reading the wind after the team's preparation period starts. After the preparation period starts, the captain and coach may use field glasses as defined in Rule 6.8.

(3)    The assistant range officer or verifier may carry one telescope downrange and may use it only to check and verify scores.

(4)    Telescopes taken downrange must be turned parallel to the firing line except during scoring.

Go back to my 2003 Camp Perry Rattle Battle photo page 

Copyright © 2003 Tony Rogers